Can anhydrous caffeine help athletes

Anhydrous caffeine is pure caffeine, but in a dehydrated form. It is obtained from coffee beans, cocoa beans, guarana fruit, tea leaves and yerba mate.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed that caffeine consumption of around 300-400 mg of caffeine per day can be part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle. 

Anhydrous caffeine helps athletes achieve better results

Anhydrous caffeine is an increasingly popular dietary supplement. It can help you improve your sports performance.

Caffeine has a positive effect on aerobic fitness. Increases muscle strength and endurance. Thanks to this, you can increase the speed of the exercises.

Caffeine facilitates the release of dopamine which improves mood. It helps you do your exercises with more enthusiasm.

Scientists have observed that:

  • caffeine can increase metabolism by up to 11% and fat burning by 13%
  • choosing a safe amount (3-6 mg / kg body weight) one hour before training will improve your endurance performance by 5%. Remember that a small teaspoon is 5 g = 500 mg of anhydrous caffeine. We recommend the lowest amounts to begin with, due to the fact that each body uses anhydrous caffeine differently.
  • caffeine can reduce the perceived exertion during exercise by up to 5,6%

Where to buy anhydrous caffeine in the USA and Canada?

The most convenient way to buy anhydrous caffeine in a proven online store. At you can buy good quality anhydrous caffeine at a competitive price. has been cooperating only with proven suppliers for years. We offer fast delivery times for customers living in the US and Canada.

How much does Anhydrous Caffeine cost in the USA and Canada?

We offer anhydrous caffeine in convenient packages, of various weights:

  • 50g – 21,99 USD
  • 100g – 28,99 USD
  • 250g – 49,99 USD
  • 500g – 79,99 USD
  • 1,000g – 127,99 USD