Privacy Policy

Privacy policy



General thoughts


The Privacy Policy is respected and formulated by Qule Sp. z o.o, 60-102 Poznań, ul. Ostatnia 45, Poland to process any personal data collected by its website , hereinafter referred to as the “Website”.


The purpose of this policy is to explain how our company controls, processes, handles and protects this personal data while customers view or use this website. If you do not agree to the policy below, you may wish to stop browsing or using this website or provide your personal information.


The owner of the website and the data controller is Qule sp.z o.o. with headquarters in 60-102 Poznań, ul. Ostatnia 45, Poland. Qule makes every effort to respect the privacy of the Website users.


Key terms


“Company”, “Qule”, “Our”,  or “We” refer to our business, Qule sp. Z o.o. , 60-102 Poznań, ul. Ostatnia 45, Poland.


“You”, “User (s)”, “Customer (s)”, “Person (s)”, “Viewer (s)”, “Entrepreneur (s)” “Company (s)” refer to the person (s) )) or legal entity (s) or their representatives using this website.


“GDPR” means the General Data Protection Act.


“PECR” means the ePrivacy Regulation.


“Cookies” mean small files stored on the user’s computer or device.


Attention! Qule collects information about natural persons conducting business or professional activity on their own behalf and about natural persons representing legal persons or business entities other than legal persons, to whom the law recognizes legal capacity in order to conduct business or professional activity on their own behalf, collectively referred to as Users.


Our company operates in accordance with the GDPR and PECR Act.


In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR Act, we have introduced several key rules:


(a) Lawfulness, honesty and transparency,


(b) Purpose limitation,


(c) Data minimization,


(d) Accuracy,


(e) Storage limitation,


(f) Integrity and trust,


(g) Responsibility.




Legal grounds for collecting users’ personal data:


When registering an account on the Website;


By subscribing to the newsletter;


By concluding a contract for the provision of a paid internet service;


when using the contact form;


Data collected according to the purposes when registering an account on the Website.The User is asked to provide the following data:


e-mail adress


When subscribing to our Newsletter, we similarly ask you to provide:


e-mail adress


When concluding a contract for the provision of a paid internet service, the User is asked to additionally provide the following data:


first name and last name,


contact details,


street and address / apartment number,


post code and city,




Phone number.


In the case of entrepreneurs of the above-mentioned the data should additionally include:


entrepreneur’s company,


Tax Identification Number (NIP) or Company Number.


In the case of using the contact form, the User is again asked only to provide it


e-mail adress.


The data may be individually modified by the User after logging in to the User Account.


Other considerations


Be aware that additional information may be collected when using the Website pages, in particular:


the IP address assigned to your computer,


external IP address of the Internet Service Provider,


browser type,


access time,


Operating system type.


Users’ navigation data may also be collected, including information about links they choose to click or other activities performed on our Site.


Data processing paths


After registration on the Website, Users’ data are used to create and manage an Individual User Account.


In the case of using the services provided electronically via the Website, Users’ data are used to provide selected services.


If the User decides to pay via PayPal, his personal data will be transferred to the extent necessary to complete the payment via PayPal.


In addition, the navigation data may be used to provide Users with better customer service, statistical data analysis, adjusting the Website to Users’ preferences and managing the Website.




The website uses small files called cookies. They are immediately generated by the Website and stored on the computer of the person visiting the Website, if only your web browser allows it. A cookie file usually contains the name of the domain it comes from, the expiry time and an individual, random number specifying this file. The information collected using the files allows you to adjust the services offered by Qule to the specific preferences and current needs of visitors to the Website. It also allows you to compile general display statistics so that you can deliver relevant advertising or content or be directed to a third party site.


Some cookies are required to use the full functionality of this website.


We use a cookie control system that allows you to accept the use of cookies and control which cookies are stored on your device / computer. Some cookies will be stored for a certain period of time, while others may last indefinitely. Your web browser should provide control over the management and deletion of cookies from your device, check your web browser options.




Qule can collect your IP addresses. The IP address is a number assigned to the computer of the person visiting the Website via the Internet Service Provider. The IP number is required to be able to connect via the internet. Usually it is assigned dynamically, i.e. it changes every time you connect to the Internet, therefore it is commonly treated as non-personal identification information. The IP address is used by Qule to diagnose technical problems with the server or to collect statistical data, e.g. define the regions we visit most often. We need this information to manage and improve our Site, or to identify any unwanted automatic software installed to view the content of the Site that overloads the server and compromises security.


The website contains links to other websites. Our company is not responsible for the privacy protection of these websites. Therefore, we encourage you to read the local privacy policy after switching to a page managed by another administrator via the Website.






Personal data collected by Qule via the Website are processed in accordance with the “GDPR” – Polish abbreviation “GDPR” or “General Data Protection Regulation” – updated law accepting Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The rules apply to all viewers outside or inside the EU, as they guarantee full security of the processed data.


At the same time, we inform all our potential partners that only authorized Qule employees have access to Users’ personal data collected via the Website.


Users’ personal data may be transferred to other entities only in compliance with the law and with the consent expressed by the Users. The list of entities has been defined in the previous chapter entitled: PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA.


Qule provides all Users with an account on the Website permanent access to their personal data and the possibility of modifying them at any time. Any modifications are available after logging into your account on the Website.


User rights


In accordance with the GDPR Act, your rights are as follows:


right of access;


the right to rectification;


the right to delete;


the right to limit processing;


the right to data portability;


right to object; and


the right not to be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.


Attention! Qule may refuse to delete the User’s data if the User has breached the Website’s regulations. Therefore, the Company will retain the data necessary to clarify these circumstances and determine responsibility for considering the claims of a given User.


Access passwords


If the registered User forgets the access password, the Website will allow the User to generate a new password for the account on the Website. However, the website does not send reminders about forgotten passwords. The User’s password is stored in an encrypted form in the database, which prevents its recovery. In order to set a new password, the User is asked to open his e-mail box and click on the “Forgot password” link sent in the message and generated automatically by the Website. Qule will send a message to the e-mail address provided during registration or to the address most recently modified in his profile. The link will then redirect the User to a unique page of the Website, where he will be able to set a new Password.


Qule never sends any correspondence, including e-mails asking for login details, in particular the password to access the User Account. Moreover, such information is not shared via traditional correspondence, e-mail or telephone.




Qule reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy. We will release all new entries on the day of modification. We will include the update date at the same time.


If you have additional questions regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact us at:


Date of the last review: 2021/22