What is boric acid used most often in the UK?

The British have already learned the advantages of boric acid and are able to perfectly use its properties.

They mainly use it as:

– natural and ecological cleaning agent. It’s amazing how easy it is to prepare an effective cleaner yourself. It is enough to add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and mix in a glass of water. The liquid prepared in this way has bleaching and disinfecting properties.

– remedy for insects and mold. Boric acid will perfectly cope with all kinds of mold. Effectively fights ants, cockroaches, fleas and sugars. Just add it to sugar water.

– remedy for weeds. Do you want your garden to be well-kept and at the same time not to harm the environment? Prepare the solution by adding about 1.5 cups of boric acid to 10 liters of water. Pour the prepared liquid over the weeds you want to get rid of. Be careful as it also works on other plants.

– oven cleaner. Dirt in the oven is difficult to remove and looks very unsightly, but boric acid can handle it. Make a paste: 4 teaspoons of boric acid, half a cup of salt, and 8 tablespoons of baking soda. After mixing the ingredients, add water. Try it even on the toughest dirt.


Where can you buy boric acid in the UK?

It is easiest to buy boric acid in an online store. You can do the shopping without leaving your home, and the delivery will be at your place within 2 days. Very good quality boric acid is always available at www.qlab.uk. This is ensured by proven suppliers and a company that has been on the market for years.


How much is boric acid in the UK?

Boric acid is a very efficient agent. Even a small package will last a long time. It can be purchased in two forms – Chunk and Flake (Fishscale).

Boric Acid Chunk

  • 500g – £ 73.99
  • 1000g – £ 124.99

Boric Acid Flake

  • 100g – £ 24.49
  • 250g – £ 45.49
  • 500g – £ 79.99
  • 1000g – £ 92.49