Where is lidocaine available in the UK?

Lidocaine is an amide derivative that has a local anesthetic effect. This is due to its molecular structure, which is characterized by the presence of three carbon atoms in the amine part.


How does lidocaine relieve pain?

Before we feel that we are in pain, a number of physiological processes take place in our body. Pain sensation results from the transmission of sensory stimuli to the central nervous system. Sensory stimuli reach the brain and signal pain. Lidocaine can quickly inhibit the transmission of signals about pain, temperature, pressure and touch.


In what cases can lidocaine be used?

Lidocaine is used for anesthesia during surgery. Lidocaine is also used to numb the skin in minor surgical procedures. Dentists use it as an effective anesthetic in various procedures.


Is lidocaine available in the UK?

Lidocaine is an active ingredient in pain relieving ointments, sprays, sprays, gels and patches. Lidocaine in the form of a pure white powder is available in the online store www.qlab.uk. Delivery within Great Britain is possible in just 2 working days.


How Much is Lidocaine in the UK?

In the online store qlab.uk, good-quality lidocaine is sold at low prices. Proven suppliers for years guarantee the purity of lidocaine at the level of 99.9%. This means that it is a complete and safe product.

It is available in various weights:

  • 25 g – £ 25.99
  • 50 g – £ 39.49
  • 100 g – £ 57.99
  • 250 g – £ 115.49
  • 500 g – £ 205.99
  • 1000 g – £ 345.49